Sacred Plant Medicine Journeys
For Leaders, Coaches, and Forums
“Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakes.”

Experience a rite of passage that 75% of people rank among the 5 most spiritual experiences of their lives

Experience integration coaching that clients describe as more powerful in an hour than a year of talk therapy

Experience a deep sense of belonging with fellow travelers as you share in the journey of a lifetime
The Awakening Leadership Program is for leaders, coaches, and forums
who are seeking to self-actualize through genuine, mystical experience.
There is a profound connection between mystical experience and leaders who live out their purpose in the world – for those who are willing to do the work of integration.
“What does it mean to be alive? What happens when we die? Is there a God? Is there a point to any of this? Well, according to the ancient philosophers and mystics, there are answers to these questions. Like, real answers.”
-Brian Muraresku, New York Times best-selling author, The Immortality Key

Virtual Launch:

Two Months

Journey Retreat
2, 3, 5-Night Options

One Month

3-Month ALP
Sliding Scale

Journey with one of our carefully curated forums of ~8-12 members
3-month hero’s journey curriculum + 1:1 integration coaching
2 or 3-night journey retreat

Journey with an existing forum, mastermind or (wo)men’s group
3-month hero’s journey curriculum + 1:1 integration coaching
2, 3, or 5-night journey retreat format exclusive to your forum

Journey solo or with a partner
3-month hero’s journey curriculum + 1:1 integration coaching
2 or 3-night journey retreat format exclusive to you

Solo ALP
Weekly 1:1 Coaching

Group ALP
Bi-Weekly 1:1 Coaching
Bi-Weekly Group Coaching

ALP∞ Infinity
Annual Coaching Intensive:
Quarterly Retreats
Weekly 1:1 Coaching

Nathanael Chawkin,
For over fifteen years, Nathanael Chawkin has been a trusted executive coach and spiritual guide to leaders, coaches, and YPO/EO forums who are seeking to realize their full potential and make a conscious impact in the world.
The felt sense of presence that opens up in coaching sessions with Nathanael allows leaders to awaken to conditioned patterns and relationship dynamics they have been asleep to, oftentimes for decades, resulting in radical shifts in mindset and behavior that can occur from a single moment of realization. These sessions are said to have a lasting, exponential impact that is psychoactive in and of itself.
Elizabeth Huebner Chawkin,
Reverend Priestess
Elizabeth is the founder of the Bee Divine Hive Temple Collective. She is a Priestess within the Divine Mother Church and the Temple of Isis, and an initiate of the Pythoness (a feminine shamanic tradition that originates in Western Europe). She is also a certified hypnotherapist and holds a BA in Philosophy and an AD in Theater. She serves as a spiritual mentor and leadership coach, bringing forward Sacred Feminine pathways of spiritual awakening.
Jordan Santoni,
Executive Coach
For over 15 years, Jordan has supported leadership development and successful corporate scaling within numerous corporations and startups. He also served as the Executive Director of Fire Tenders, a non-profit that invites men on an experiential journey into radical responsibility. Through embodied retreats and ongoing men’s circles, his team of somatic psychotherapists and embodiment coaches are committed to men cultivating healthy relationships.
*Testimonials do not necessarily reflect client participation in plant medicine ceremonies.

FOR Conscious Leaders
Bi-Weekly 1:1 COACHING🥷
Launch: FEB 18, 3Pm-5pm
Retreat: Apr 12-14 (Sat-Mon)
3 of 8 Seats Available

2-NIGHT Retreat
For Conscious Men
Jul, 2025 (Dates TBA)
Guardian Men’s CircleS⚔️
Santa Barbara Locals:
Mondays 5:30-7:30pm
@ Jameson Beach House🏖️
5 of 12 Seats AVAILABLE

Double Room (3x)
(MAIN House)

Double ROOM (1x)
(Guest House)

CAMPER Vehicle
Psychedelics IN the mainstream
How To Change Your Mind is officially streaming on Netflix! Based on the best-selling book by author Michael Pollan, this docuseries dives into the frontiers of the new psychedelic renaissance.
Episode #2 is dedicated to psilocybin history and ceremony. Get an intimate view into what it looks like to experience this sacred medicine and hear the profoundly moving and life-transforming impact of these journeys.
If you’ve been wondering whether this type of journey is for you, this series could very well be How To Change Your Mind.
REMOTE ALP☝Jan 26-31, 2023
COsta Rica
Imiloa Institute is a home and an experience where human beings are invited to awaken their consciousness.
Imiloa Institute is founded on the leadership principle that together, through a spirit of service and a posture of learning, we can cause the individual and social transformation of the planet.
Whether you’re in 200 year old homes from Bali on the cliff, Geodesic Domes deep in the Jurrasic Jungle or Jungalows with bathtubs out to our unofficial sloth sanctuary, you’ll have a story to tell about your stay at Imiloa.
At Imiloa, we like to call our food “conscious comfort food.” That means we serve healthy, locally-sourced, gourmet vegan meals that are as artistically plated, scientifically nourishing and delightfully crafted for all of our retreat guests.
Miles of jungle pathways that lead to different gems on the property, including our private waterfall, named by the priests of the Indigenous Tribe (Kogis, from Colombia) “Morundwa.” The tribe visited Imiloa, as many tribes do, and activated our waterfall.

Retreat: JUL 13-16

Winter MEN’S ALP👌
Retreat: Feb 8-11, 2024

Retreat: April 11-14

Retreat: Aug 2-4

Retreat: DEC 7-9

FAll Couples ALP✋✌️
Retreat: Feb 6-8
Awakening Leadership Program

Accept The Call to Adventure of your own personal hero's journey: align your intentions for healing and growth with the impact you want to create in the world.
Cross the threshold of the known world and prepare yourself for the retreat: train your body, mind, and spirit, and do the deep work that will help you "peel the onion" on the inner dynamics of your own ego. Explore your current leadership style and how you unconsciously sabotage your ability to actualize your vision and get to the next level.
Enter into ceremony as the descent of the hero into the underworld: experience a genuine ego death and rebirth as you are profoundly healed and transformed inside of an expanded state of consciousness that cannot be described in words.
Stabilize your metamorphosis through the integration process: make meaning of the key insights and takeaways from the journey and build life practices around a new way of being that reflects your next level of leadership.
Return back home with the ultimate boon: integrate the otherworldly gifts of the journey into inspiration and action in the ordinary world. Show up differently at home and at work. Translate expanded states of consciousness into everyday awareness to create a life aligned with your vision, values, and purpose.

Psilocybin Occasions
Mystical Experience
In Johns Hopkins clinical studies of high-dose psilocybin therapy, 75% of all participants to date reported that the experience was one of the five most meaningful experiences of their lives, while 25% said it was the single defining mystical experience of their lives.

In clinical studies at NYU, a “complete mystical experience,” provided by a high dose of psilocybin, was critical for the therapeutic effects that produced sustained reductions in depression and anxiety levels in end-of-life cancer patients over at least 6 months.
“Psychedelics, used responsibly and with proper caution, would be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology, or the telescope is for astronomy.”
For nearly two thousand years in ancient Greece, citizens were initiated through mystical rites of passage known as the Eleusinian mysteries. These rites were so secretive that to reveal what you saw in Eleusis was to risk execution, which is why Huston Smith, perhaps the most influential religious scholar of the 20th century, called it “the best-kept secret” in history.
These mysteries were based on the principle of gnosis: knowing by direct experience as opposed to belief. Many of the greatest thinkers from the ancient world, from Plato and Pythagoras to Cicero and Marcus Aurelius, all made the pilgrimage to Eleusis to partake in a visionary experience that was universally attested to as something that ended the fear of death and gave meaning to life.
We invite all leaders, coaches, forums or wo/men’s groups to apply who have previously participated in YPO/EO forums, executive coaching, leadership development, psychotherapy, shadow work, couples work, (wo)men’s work, self-inquiry and/or other spiritual practice. All members will be invited to step into coaching and being coached by their peers – in addition to doing advanced integration work with expert facilitators. If you do not yet meet these criteria, we would be happy to support you in joining one of our other stepping-stone offerings.
Please keep in mind that a history of mental illness, schizophrenia, or psychosis are contraindicated for psychedelic use and may disqualify you from participation. Always consult a physician before modifying any regimen of medications or antidepressants.
The Journey Continues

Continue in a bi-annual retreat rhythm with your forum, nominate and mentor new members OR move on to a next-level Call to Adventure.
Pursue advanced training in the Mystery School: a spiritual community of practice based on the principle of Gnosis - knowing by direct experience as opposed to belief.
Join our Coaching Dojo as part of a bootcamp for leaders & coaches who would like to bring the gift of continuous learning and development into organizations.
Continue in a 1:1 coaching intensive with Nathanael (limited availability) or other certified coach.
After completing a bootcamp, begin to disrupt and democratize the culture of your organization by upshifting to a “Zen Basketball” approach to team dynamics.
Scale leadership throughout the entire company with regular rhythms for peer coaching: “The Airbnb approach to talent management.” Take your core values “Off the wall” and put them “On the mat” as a Conscious Culture where "Everyone is a coach." Develop a dynamic action-learning approach as a Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO) that makes people development an integral part of your business strategy.
We believe that psychedelics are entheogens that have the power to occasion mystical experience. We believe that mystical experience heals at an underlying, existential, root-cause level. We believe that it is mystical experience that is at the root of clinical outcomes.
We believe that sacred plant medicine journeys are initiatory rites of passage that require intensive preparation, intentional set and setting, and an inward orientation to the mystery.
We believe that integration is a practice (not an event). We believe the work of psychedelic integration is psychological integration (i.e. shadow work). We believe that membership in a Community of Practice is the best way to sustain integration and find belonging, meaning, and purpose.
We believe that as a leader integration continues beyond you: we invite you to transform your team into your Community of Practice – a Conscious Culture, and Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO) that makes people development an integral part of your business strategy.
We believe the work of an awakening leader is to wake up the workplace by empowering their workplace to become the primary source of their own personal awakening as a leader.
“Every time I had a personal breakthrough, Whole Foods had a breakthrough. And, every time I was ready to have another breakthrough, Whole Foods would show me because of what I was complaining about in Whole Foods.”
-John Mackey, Founder of Whole Foods Market and the Conscious Capitalism movement
To the Journey of a Lifetime
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
Contact Form
Nathanael Chawkin
For over fifteen years, Nathanael Chawkin has been a trusted executive coach and spiritual guide to leaders, leadership teams, and leadership coaches who are seeking to realize their full potential and make a conscious impact in the world.
The felt sense of presence that opens up in coaching sessions with Nathanael allows leaders to awaken to conditioned patterns and relationship dynamics they have been asleep to, oftentimes for decades, resulting in radical shifts in mindset and behavior that can occur from a single moment of realization. These sessions are said to have a lasting, exponential impact that is psychoactive in and of itself.
In his work with Palæstra Leadership, Nathanael specializes in transforming organizational culture by coaching executive team dynamics. By turning development into a team sport, leaders learn to approach tough conversations with heart, which creates radical new levels of trust, alignment, high-performance, and team flow. Once this cultural cornerstone is set, Nathanael helps clients build Deliberately Developmental Organizations (DDOs) that scale leadership development through in-house peer coaching practice so that “Everyone is a coach.”
As a martial arts and mindfulness meditation instructor, Nathanael’s practice-based approach has helped hundreds of executives from growth-minded, midmarket companies traverse the path to their next level of leadership development. His culture transformation work with Palæstra Leadership clients has been covered by Entrepreneur magazine and the Financial Times. He has been a repeat guest on the Greatness Machine, a top 13 business podcast in the United States.
Nathanael completed his BA from Maharishi International University in 2002, and MA in Integral Psychology & Coaching from JFK University in 2009. He earned his 2nd degree blackbelt in Aikido in 2005 while serving as the senior director of an internationally renowned uchideshi (live-in training) program, and is a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He founded Guardian Martial Arts, to awaken the spiritual warrior archetype, in 2010. He lives with his loving life partner, Elizabeth, a priestess of the sacred feminine, in Santa Barbara, California.
Elizabeth Huebner
Elizabeth is the founder of the Bee Divine Hive Temple Collective. She is a Priestess within the Divine Mother Church and the Temple of Isis, and an initiate of the Pythoness (a feminine shamanic tradition that originates in Western Europe). She is also a certified hypnotherapist and holds a BA in Philosophy and an AD in Theater. She serves as a spiritual mentor and leadership coach, bringing forward Sacred Feminine pathways of spiritual awakening.
Her trainings and coaching utilize embodiment practices, ceremonial work, initiatory experiences, the Work of Byron Katie, parts-work and shadow work. Her work integrates the spiritual and the worldly, supporting individuals in their awakening and becoming a force for good in the world.
Jordan Santoni
Emerging from a diverse industry background in clean-tech, health-tech, neuro-tech, corporate hospitality, and leadership education, Jordan leveraged his upbringing in “consciousness-based education” and his western business training into a commitment to “business as a spiritual practice.” His early career experience in HR, outdoor education, and performance management provided a solid foundation for his successful transition into executive leadership coaching and organizational development in 2016.
Dedicated to transforming company cultures from the inside-out, Jordan’s leadership and organizational development consulting work has supported human development initiatives and successful corporate scaling within numerous Y-Combinator startups including Lyft, and Zesty, midmarket companies such as Nfluence, Chanje and Perigon, and within non-profit and research organizations like The David Lynch Foundation, Dream Logic, UNC-Chapel Hill’ Institute of Marine Sciences, FireTenders and The Digital Detox.
Starting in 2019, Jordan took the role of Executive Director of FireTenders, a non-profit organization providing therapeutic men’s work programs. Influenced by his years of leadership and conscious culture coaching, he worked alongside the Founding Director to co-create a powerful, growing movement of heart-centered, community-minded men in California, Oregon, and Colorado. As a FireTenders’ facilitator, he has co-led numerous 5-day wilderness retreats, 9-week embodied trainings, and 3-day therapeutic intensives, and led hundreds of men’s circles while providing leadership oversight for the inception of ongoing, leader-full men’s circles—the majority of which are still meeting to this day. By blending nature therapy, somatic psychology, and elemental practices, his team of therapists and coaches have provided hundreds of men with the tools and experiences necessary to cultivating healthy relationships with themselves, with each other, and most importantly, within their families and communities.
Jordan holds degrees in International Business, Economics and Spanish from Appalachian State University and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. An avid meditator, surfer, martial artist, and father, he bridges elements of mindfulness, competition and play as a means for teammates to strive together to build trust and organizational efficacy. He now works and resides in Santa Barbara, California with his family.
We believe that forum dynamics and peer coaching are helping to democratize top-down, “sit and get” learning dynamics, be it sage on the stage, teacher, preacher, coach or consultant. We believe that everyone is a coach. “The next Buddha will be a sangha.”
We believe in Plato’s notion of the education of the citizen for the health of the republic. We believe the republic is in peril. We believe the psychedelic renaissance is here to help evolve the stage of human development beyond adulthood. We believe the future of the planet depends on it. We believe this stage of development is the integral stage of development aka the “self-transforming mind.” We believe that integral consciousness is inclusive of all the worldviews that have come before, from tribal, to traditional, to modern, to postmodern. We believe the “self-transforming mind” can begin to heal all the fractures and polarization of the current culture wars, both within the psychedelic renaissance, and in the world at large. We believe self-knowledge is the medicine.
We believe the medicine is showing us how to metabolize LIFE. Can you let go of control? Do you trust the direction of the river? Do you surrender in service to a higher purpose/higher power? Or is your ego playing god? Faith is trust in life. Life is the journey. Awakening in the Here/Now (the Eternal Now) is the destination. “The Kingdom of Heaven is spread across the earth, but men do not see it.”
We believe “We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true of the entire universe.” We believe we are awakening the dreamer. We believe we are all conscious co-creators. What world will you create as you awaken to who and what you really are?